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Juergen's world of warcraft history
8 avril 2008

The Light and How To Swing It: Build you own TTRadin

"Hi folks, it's me again. Somehow, Liz's computer got unplugged from the Light at the last minute and wiped her draft for this week clean. The task has fallen upon me once to swing the Light and wreak havoc upon these pages with blood and fury. Or something like that. In the wake of the admittedly lackluster (what, no giant GMs or gnome-transfigurations or demons run amuck. ) second take on the TTR stress test, I've decided to write up the experience about making your own Paladin on the Tournament Test Realm, aka the TTRadin. If you haven't logged on to the TTR, now's a good time to download the PTR client and get yourself started. Paladin without the pain If you've never played a Paladin before, the TTR is an excellent way to experience some Paladin goodness without having to go through the entire leveling experience -- some parts of which even self-confessed altaholic and column co-writer Chris Jahosky admits to having a dislike for. Of course, leveling is part of the education process, so don't expect to know all the abilities and talents a Paladin -- or any class you make, for that matter -- right off the bat if you don't have a max-level character of that class on the live servers. That said, making a character on the TTR is well worth the effort and is definitely something any player can use to explore their options. Getting a taste of a max-level character, in our case a Paladin (this is a Paladin column, after all), is something players can learn from. So where do we start. We have the usual racial choices: Human, Dwarf, or Draenei for the Alliance; and Blood Elf for the Horde. Because it isn't a PvP server by definition, you can make an Alliance and a Horde character.

The tournament server also isn't like the live realms in that there are no quests or NPCs aside from the trainers, vendors, and arena representatives. wow gold I haven't explored the tournament realm completely, but it's safe to assume that it's a barren world. The NPCs are all Goblins, by the way, which is a bit unsettling and bizarre. There are few things stranger than seeing little green men and women in full Tier 2. " "15 Minutes of Fame is our look at World of Warcraft players of all shapes and sizes – both the renowned and the relatively anonymous. If you want to hear a sad song about a lack of bag space, just talk to a hybrid or tank-capable class. Those guys are lugging around three or more sets of gear, plus variations – it's enough to bust a Foror's Crate of Endless Resist Gear Storage wide open. (Yeah, we know you wish you had one of those; we do, too.) We talked with a player who definitely has storage issues, but from a little different perspective: Rattleshirt of Uldaman, who displays her finery not in raid instances or battlegrounds but on the catwalk. Some players think vanity gear is a ridiculous waste of bank and bag space. wow power level Not Rattleshirt. When Rattleshirt decided to transfer realms not too long ago, she had to pare down to five full packs – yes, that's five full packs – from her existing 90-something ensembles. She had so many outfits that she began giving impromptu fashion shows in Orgrimmar every night before logging out, complete with audience requests for particular rare robes. We snagged a backstage visit with Rattleshirt to find out, well, what all the rattle is behind her many shirts. " "Open up the guild screen by hitting the ""O"" key followed by selecting the guild tab.

The guild must already be created and you must be a member of the guild. wow gold You will now see a guild listing with several different options. Show Offline Members (check box) - This option is located in the top right. Toggle this to display guild members that are currently not logged into the game. You might find this useful to focus on players that are in the game and playing vs. not online. wow power leveling Guild Member List - In the main middle windowpane you will see a list of guild members sorted by Name, Rank, Note, and Last Online. Guild Member Info Name - The player's character name. When you click on a guild member, it will open up a side panel with all the information about that member including their note and officer's note if you have the appropriate rank or permissions. Rank - The player's position in the guild. This position is determined by the officers or those guild members authorized to change rank. Note is a special note on that player created by someone authorized to enter notes. Last Online - When that player was last online. wow level up This is also useful to guild officers to check how active that player is. Remove inactive players. =] Sorting You can sort the list by each of the above four fields by clicking on any of the above headers. For example, click on ""Rank"" to sort the list by rank. If you click on ""Show Player Status"" you will see an alternate guild listing by Name, Zone, Lvl, Class, and Group. " .


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Juergen's world of warcraft history